• icon9548443915
  • iconicaset@iul.ac.in

Call for Special Session

Call for Special Session

The ICASET team intends to invite Special Sessions on a variety of disciplines. These Special Sessions will be Chaired/Co-chaired by the proposer. The presentation of the papers under such Special Sessions will be scheduled at the venue of the conference, on any of the two days (pre-intimated) in Hybrid (Physical or Online) mode during the conference. The theme of the proposed Special Session can be from the following fields, which are as follows:

  • Science (Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Bioscience, Environmental and Medical Sciences)
  • Engineering (Computer Science, Civil, Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical Engineering)
  • Technology (Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Drones and Robotics, etc.)
  • Management (Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning for Effective Management)

Please submit your special session proposals by email to the conference chairs at icaset@iul.c.in, proposals should include:

  • Special Session title
  • A short description (2-3 lines) & covered topics
  • Session organizer(s) and chair(s)
  • List of speakers (when available)

The last date to submit the proposal is 23th May 2024.